Medical Gas Alarm Systems

They enable monitoring the pressure values of medical gas pipes securely.

  • Conformity with all relevant standards
  • The option of monitoring 5 gas and 1 vacuum service
  • A led of normal-low-high pressure for each gas
  • Conformity RS 485 protocol
  • Operating with electricity 220 V, 50 HZ
  • Monitoring the gas pressure digitally
  • Adjustable pressure limit values
  • Enables monitoring left rack, right rack, immediate support system, liquid oxygen tank, system pressure by being installed on manifold centers
  • Ability to connect to the building system
  • Ability to transfer information to the operating room control panel
  • They are the units displaying medical gasses flow pressure state under normal circumstances.
  • They are fully electronically controlled and designed as an electronical card for each gas and with the test, cancel buttons on it, it is designed to test the system and mute it temporarily in case of alarm.
  • In case the gas pressure value is within normal values, the green led is monitored in the same way.
  • It can be monitored within the central automation by the zone controlled by its design made according to the RS 485 protocol
  • By sending signal to the operation room control panels, it enables monitoring pressures on the panel
  • It can be integrated on the Reach Valve Units.

Gases and Service

- Oxygen
- Nitrous Oxide
– %50 Oksijen %50 Azotoksit
- Medical Air (400 kPa)
- Surgical Air (700 kPa)
- Medical Vacuum
- Other gases (laboratory/industrial/dental)

- AGSS venturi, pump AGSS


Mounting Options

- Flush mounting and semi-surface mounting
- Direct couple on the Regional Control Units.